Proto-danksharding explained to beginners

lawal Babatunde utility
2 min readDec 9, 2022


Proto danksharding is a process of data protection that involves managing and protecting large datasets by breaking them up into smaller chunks, or “dankshards.” Proto-sharding is a sophisticated technique in blockchain technology that allows for the faster and more energy-efficient running of the network.

The purpose of proto-sharding is to ensure the security of the data by preventing a single intruder from gaining access to the entire dataset.

It’s a way to divide a blockchain into individual pieces that work together, increasing scalability and performance. Proto-sharding is an important part of blockchain technology because it can help make the use of blockchain more efficient.

With proto-sharding, nodes on the network are able to do more, process more transactions, and query data faster in comparison to traditional blockchain networks.

In simple terms, it helps ensure that blockchain technology works faster and better.

For real-life illustration, using proto-sharding is like having multiple lanes on a highway, allowing for faster and smoother traffic flow. Instead of everyone driving on the same route and being stuck at slow speeds due to overload, proto-sharding allows users to split up and take separate routes.

The above illustration simply means proto-sharding increases the speed of transaction processing and makes it easier to quickly access data on the network.

Apart from scalability and faster speeds, another benefit of proto-sharding is that it can reduce the electricity costs associated with powering the blockchain. By splitting up the workload, there is less strain on the entire system which means that computers and servers don’t have to work as hard and as a result, don’t need as much power to run.

Proto-sharding not only saves energy but can also help to lower costs associated with running and maintaining a blockchain network. Overall, proto-sharding is an advanced technique in blockchain technology that can help to improve scalability, speed, and energy efficiency.

For those interested in learning more about this technology, there are plenty of resources online that provide a more detailed description and explanation. By becoming more familiar with this technology, you can use it to unlock the potential of blockchain and help contribute to its development.

You can read more about EIP4844 — the Ethereum Improvement Proposal working on Proto-danksharding here.

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